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LISTENER 4613 169 tatters 3rd July 2020, 20:19
» by stockie
private eye 580 7 hallgreening 3rd July 2020, 16:54
» by clarkgwent
alphapuzzle fri 2 manudave 3rd July 2020, 12:30
» by manudave
EV 1441 56 bunty 3rd July 2020, 11:47
» by jigjag
book titles 2 betty 3rd July 2020, 07:27
» by betty
Everyman 3,846 46 brendan 2nd July 2020, 17:19
» by kitabu
Fishy 2 epsh42 2nd July 2020, 14:22
» by epsh42
CLUELESS 481 58 paul 2nd July 2020, 03:55
» by paul
ST4909 How so? 8 bellakemp 1st July 2020, 21:51
» by brendan
Lovett’s issue 125 Cryptic 4 barno 1st July 2020, 04:49
» by brendan
Enigmatic Variations - Providing Feedback 6 spoffy 30th June 2020, 16:25
» by son1ofrover1
Convolution? 4 cbp 30th June 2020, 11:12
» by cbp
ST 4909 4 shipwreck 30th June 2020, 07:58
» by paulhabershon
WEEKEND PEER REVIEW 68 hannah 30th June 2020, 00:32
» by fieryjack
IQ 1653 35 cockie 29th June 2020, 16:43
» by son1ofrover1
Sunday Express Skeleton 5 april 29th June 2020, 13:01
» by myla
alphapuzzle monday 2 manudave 29th June 2020, 12:37
» by manudave
Times jumbo cryptic 1447 8 hagleymum 28th June 2020, 18:38
» by malone
Viz 297 care possible rude words. PG 6 woodshederic2 28th June 2020, 17:44
» by robthebuck
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1447 3 doradoodle 28th June 2020, 17:20
» by magpie9
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