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alphapuzzle wed 3 manudave 21st October 2020, 16:11
» by malone
Mephisto 3138 5 stockie 21st October 2020, 13:41
» by kenhiggs
Araucaria again 4 cretin66 21st October 2020, 10:20
» by cretin66
Introduction and Explanation Help Please 12 myrm 21st October 2020, 07:54
» by myrm
RTE Guide N0. 43 2 laurel 20th October 2020, 20:47
» by brendan
Times2 clues to Jumbo 1464 3 madam 20th October 2020, 17:08
» by malone
Viz Craptic 300 13 hastings69 20th October 2020, 14:30
» by hijinx
alphapuzzle tues 2 manudave 20th October 2020, 13:00
» by manudave
Times Crossword 27798 4 bassett 20th October 2020, 12:25
» by malone
Times 27,772 offensive clue 10 trebornotlaw 20th October 2020, 11:53
» by parallelogram
Times Jumbo cryptic 1464 3 rocketman 20th October 2020, 10:13
» by rocketman
RT 43 - 7 across 5 chopper erk 20th October 2020, 06:42
» by malone
ST4925 3 bellakemp 20th October 2020, 00:18
» by tyke51
(A-L) Answers up to Clueless 496, Peer Review 459, Weekend Peer Review 50 0 mattrom 19th October 2020, 22:16
» by mattrom
(M-Z) Answers up to Clueless 496, Peer Review 459, Weekend Peer Review 50 0 mattrom 19th October 2020, 22:15
» by mattrom
Metro cryptic from Mar 20 4 trickyvic 19th October 2020, 21:04
» by trickyvic
LISTENER 4629 56 tatters 19th October 2020, 18:12
» by simplesimon
i Cryptic 3024 4 aleck 19th October 2020, 16:17
» by aleck
DM Monday 3 loubyloo10 19th October 2020, 11:13
» by loubyloo10
Everyman 3,862 43 brendan 19th October 2020, 07:36
» by chrise
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