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CLUELESS 498 74 mattrom 29th October 2020, 10:31
» by skyewalker
Harpers 2020-11 puzzle 10 syzygy 29th October 2020, 02:25
» by mathprofrockstar
AZED 2524 2 williamseal 28th October 2020, 19:00
» by williamseal
SPOILER WITHIN: The Joy That Comes From Solving Cryptic Clues 12 myrm 28th October 2020, 18:51
» by myrm
Everyman 3,863 51 brendan 28th October 2020, 13:59
» by chrise
Lions "Sweet tooth " Quiz 28 mostyn 28th October 2020, 12:36
» by mostyn
I cryptic 3 thomas 28th October 2020, 11:08
» by quisling
What Method do You Use to Solve Anagrams? 4 myrm 27th October 2020, 16:20
» by rossim
Crossword Clue Explanation 4 myrm 27th October 2020, 10:27
» by rossim
Can articles be ignored in cryptic crossword clues? 11 bigblind 26th October 2020, 19:20
» by chrise
EV 1458 6 brendan 26th October 2020, 18:36
» by jigjag
ST 4926 8 st.hubbins 26th October 2020, 15:44
» by malone
Azed and dictionary 15 eviltony 26th October 2020, 12:21
» by granama1
Sunday mail 2 jinty 26th October 2020, 09:19
» by jinty
Weekend Peer Review 51 75 buddy 26th October 2020, 07:50
» by paul
Guardian Prize 28,273 101 brendan 25th October 2020, 16:42
» by mirandamoon
daily mail bare bones 5 winnie 25th October 2020, 16:32
» by winnie
Sunday Express Skeleton 2 hereward 25th October 2020, 14:31
» by hereward
Helppppppp 2 fod869 25th October 2020, 13:01
» by fod869
Spectator 2480 3 truron 25th October 2020, 12:16
» by malone
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