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RT38 - 23a parsing 2 lissie 8th October 2020, 08:37
» by lissie
Cryptic clue alphapuzzle 6 ollyblue 7th October 2020, 19:23
» by malone
TOO MANY RULES 22 norah (admin) 7th October 2020, 15:51
» by malone
alphapuzzle wed 4 manudave 7th October 2020, 13:16
» by manudave
Everyman 3,860 54 brendan 7th October 2020, 10:26
» by peteh
When are solutions published? 4 thesadman 7th October 2020, 10:19
» by guybarry
Flying squad saw radar adapter USA to sort it out (3,5,2,5) 3 jude52s 7th October 2020, 08:36
» by jude52s
Are ideas? 0 cherries 6th October 2020, 19:31
» by cherries
St 4923 stuck on last one 10 steve 6th October 2020, 16:18
» by malone
IQ 1667 65 luftmensch 6th October 2020, 11:13
» by malone
5 cryptic clues 3 kaarthuul 5th October 2020, 20:09
» by malone
Times Jumbo 1461 5 tigerinthezoo 5th October 2020, 17:19
» by malone
Private Eye 686 4 telboy1999 5th October 2020, 15:16
» by ruthrobin
CLARIFICATION - WHAT IS A DUPLICATE THREAD 1 norah (admin) 5th October 2020, 14:02
» by shipwreck
ST 4923 6 shipwreck 5th October 2020, 13:17
» by malone
i cryptic 1 thomas 5th October 2020, 13:16
» by kirky
Saturday Times Jumbo Cryptic 1462, 6dn 3 bilbow 5th October 2020, 12:41
» by norah (admin)
Sundat Times Cryptic 4923 4 kenhiggs 5th October 2020, 11:42
» by kenhiggs
S E skeleton 4/10/20 5 birthday girl 5th October 2020, 11:10
» by rossim
WEEKEND PEER REVEIW 48 64 jono 5th October 2020, 01:44
» by paul
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