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Guardian Prize Thread 55 chrise 7th November 2020, 20:56
» by docrum
PEER REVIEW 461 72 peterm 7th November 2020, 17:35
» by paul
EV 1459 47 son1ofrover1 7th November 2020, 16:03
» by xwordfan
Spectator 2482 4 itsme 7th November 2020, 13:25
» by malone
Times cryptic 25 6 whetstone 7th November 2020, 13:23
» by malone
Are women for Saturday? 7 orson 7th November 2020, 13:03
» by loge
YP 1810 1 linton 7th November 2020, 10:02
» by ginge
Peer Review 462 80 tyke51 7th November 2020, 01:42
» by aristophanes
RT 46 7 chrise 6th November 2020, 20:55
» by wally
Times cryptic 22 4 whetstone 6th November 2020, 20:49
» by whetstone
LISTENER 4631, MAY CONTAIN ANSWERS 36 malone 6th November 2020, 15:28
» by suzannahj
TIMES 16299 3 notrab 6th November 2020, 13:31
» by malone
Cain's Jawbone 4 brendan 6th November 2020, 09:51
» by brendan
Private Eye 689 12A 1 jacanterbury 6th November 2020, 08:39
» by chrise
Times cryptic 21 4 whetstone 6th November 2020, 08:28
» by chrise
Local paper 2 bert 6th November 2020, 08:27
» by bert
All in Common 4 a19327 6th November 2020, 01:32
» by a19327
Spectator 2482 5 unclued 5th November 2020, 18:19
» by alwayspuzzled
Private Eye 689 7 telboy1999 5th November 2020, 15:40
» by malone
Times Jumbo 1466 3 tigerinthezoo 5th November 2020, 13:24
» by tigerinthezoo
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