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Weekend Peer Review 50 79 spike2 19th October 2020, 02:34
» by mathprofrockstar
Linkword 2 rays 18th October 2020, 17:32
» by rays
Linkword 7 rays 18th October 2020, 15:53
» by rays
Times Jumbo 1464 1 strangelybrown 18th October 2020, 12:57
» by strangelybrown
Guardian Prize 28,267 58 geeker 18th October 2020, 12:24
» by freddycat
Times 27,798 12 ftsalmon 18th October 2020, 10:07
» by kenhiggs
LISTENER 4628, MAY CONTAIN ANSWERS 88 malone 18th October 2020, 00:42
» by mooncow
Spectator 2479 5 bootlebarth 17th October 2020, 15:08
» by peter284
Scotsman cryptic 10 tomshieboy 17th October 2020, 14:06
» by jono
DM fri 2 loubyloo10 17th October 2020, 13:38
» by loubyloo10
alphapuzzle sat 2 manudave 17th October 2020, 12:47
» by manudave
Times number 27,798: clue 7 down 2 rogerjw 17th October 2020, 11:35
» by chrise
TLS 1347 parses please 2 xwordfan 17th October 2020, 11:33
» by xwordfan
PEER REVIEW 459 69 paul 17th October 2020, 11:22
» by fieryjack
YP 1807 3 linton 17th October 2020, 11:18
» by linton
LISTENER 4626, MAY CONTAIN ANSWERS 69 malone 16th October 2020, 18:32
» by unclued
Explanation required! 1 birthday girl 16th October 2020, 10:25
» by candledave
Guardian Prize 28,261 53 brendan 15th October 2020, 16:58
» by brendan
CLUELESS 496 57 aristophanes 15th October 2020, 10:41
» by tyke51
EV 1456 13 xwordfan 14th October 2020, 18:07
» by kenhiggs
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