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Ethical care for animals (see letters 3 to 7) 8 louislouis 27th November 2020, 13:06
» by malone
Times cryptic 1.7 3 whetstone 27th November 2020, 08:18
» by whetstone
LISTENER 4634 31 tatters 26th November 2020, 14:50
» by hearer
Times jumbo 1469 32 strangelybrown 26th November 2020, 14:45
» by chrise
Saga Cryptic December 2020 Q1 down 2 plumr 26th November 2020, 13:57
» by plumr
i Cryptic 3057 3 aleck 26th November 2020, 13:07
» by aleck
CLUELESS 502 64 les40 26th November 2020, 12:21
» by peterm
Alphapuzzle Wednesday 1 shakey 26th November 2020, 08:17
» by malone
Viz 301 care PG. Poss rude words 3 woodshederic2 25th November 2020, 22:16
» by woodshederic2
A puzzle with an answer as a three digit number 11 skrat 25th November 2020, 19:27
» by tyke51
times jumbo 1469 6dn 3 penda 25th November 2020, 07:15
» by malone
Hitchin ..... All things precious 2 itsme 24th November 2020, 17:49
» by itsme
Weekend Peer Review 55 80 spike2 24th November 2020, 17:35
» by rossim
Times 27828 7 loubyloo10 24th November 2020, 12:23
» by malone
famous person 4 quizmad 24th November 2020, 08:48
» by quizmad
Inquisitor 1674 36 jogamel 24th November 2020, 07:36
» by malone
All Aboard 189 rigby 24th November 2020, 02:49
» by idinahui
Everyman 3,867 60 brendan 24th November 2020, 01:05
» by brendan
SAGA DECEMBER 5 trelos1 23rd November 2020, 22:25
» by brendan
Saturday 21st. Times cryptic 27828 clue 13 down 3 iblack 23rd November 2020, 20:19
» by iblack
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