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Topic Replies Started by Last post
CAM 91 5 candledave 12th December 2020, 19:08
» by blakwhole
Times cryptic 3.42 8 whetstone 12th December 2020, 16:22
» by malone
LISTENER 4637 18 tatters 12th December 2020, 13:28
» by simplesimon
D mail Saturday 2 bailey 12th December 2020, 11:11
» by bailey
YP 1815 3 linton 12th December 2020, 10:16
» by linton
Fishing 3 kingfisher 11th December 2020, 23:11
» by rusty
Sequences 13 keenquizzer 11th December 2020, 20:59
» by iamstumped
Times cryptic 1.40 22 whetstone 11th December 2020, 19:27
» by whetstone
Times Monthly Club Special 20243 9 kenhiggs 11th December 2020, 14:06
» by kenhiggs
Delicious Magazine 3 geagam 11th December 2020, 13:26
» by geagam
alphapuzzle fri 3 manudave 11th December 2020, 12:41
» by malone
Guardian 28,314 0 jono 11th December 2020, 12:20
» by jono
Local rag 1 bert 11th December 2020, 10:41
» by mattrom
LISTENER 4636 36 tatters 11th December 2020, 09:33
» by ixion
EV 1464 4 dobbo 10th December 2020, 19:38
» by grunger
CLUELESS 504 60 buddy 10th December 2020, 07:56
» by tango
RT 51 4 wally 9th December 2020, 18:47
» by malone
Camphor, comfy, crystal, cricket, curve 8 bakes 9th December 2020, 16:55
» by mathprofrockstar
alphapuzzle wed 2 manudave 9th December 2020, 13:52
» by manudave
Guardian 28,312 5 brendan 9th December 2020, 12:34
» by rossim
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