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LISTENER 4635 38 tatters 30th November 2020, 16:31
» by kt17
Local cryptic 3 tonta 30th November 2020, 13:25
» by rossim
Times 27834 2 jerryfitz 30th November 2020, 12:21
» by jerryfitz
Sunday mail £50 crossword 1 jinty 30th November 2020, 10:53
» by bunty
FT Crossword 16646 1 mikey456 29th November 2020, 18:29
» by malone
Times cryptic 2.0 10 whetstone 29th November 2020, 18:26
» by malone
Find the lines! 1 mapledurwell 29th November 2020, 18:17
» by buddy
Telegraph Cryptic Sat. 28/11/20 1 paulhabershon 29th November 2020, 12:31
» by jono
Times 27834 2 derekack 29th November 2020, 08:57
» by derekack
Clues concern dots or dottiness 4 daveyd 28th November 2020, 20:22
» by drxx
Times 27,834 24a 3 emdee 28th November 2020, 18:33
» by chrise
Times cryptic 2.0 14 whetstone 28th November 2020, 18:06
» by whetstone
Sat Alphapuzzle 4 landy 28th November 2020, 15:53
» by landy
festive dingbats c/d 6th jan 0 brainless 28th November 2020, 14:54
» by brainless
PEER REVIEW 464 87 mattrom 28th November 2020, 12:32
» by jws
Times cryptic 1.7 23 whetstone 28th November 2020, 11:23
» by whetstone
YP 1813 2 linton 28th November 2020, 10:29
» by linton
Christmas Croaaword 2 clell 27th November 2020, 17:17
» by bigbadmarty2
LISTENER 4634, MAY CONTAIN ANSWERS 43 malone 27th November 2020, 14:27
» by crosswhit99
Rambler magazine 3 ann - bristol 27th November 2020, 13:21
» by malone
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