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Weds alpha puzzle 6 landy 18th November 2020, 21:10
» by landy
times jumbo 1468 43 dn 2 penda 18th November 2020, 20:26
» by penda
Spectator 2483 11 solidair123 18th November 2020, 16:54
» by will37
Private Eye Crossword 690 2 drmorgans 18th November 2020, 16:27
» by drmorgans
S Telegraph EV 1461 endgame 3 joycie 18th November 2020, 11:42
» by krauton
Ditloids 13 lecrack 17th November 2020, 19:55
» by malone
Times Cryptic 1D 5 malago 17th November 2020, 18:18
» by chrise
Can’t Finish! 5 hollie 17th November 2020, 17:10
» by hollie
Times 27822 4down 4 kfirst 17th November 2020, 13:14
» by kfirst
R T 45 3 magworth 17th November 2020, 11:36
» by magworth
ST GK 1459 3 joycie 17th November 2020, 06:19
» by malone
Everyman 3866 2 olderwoman 16th November 2020, 23:18
» by brendan
Weekend Peer Review 54 57 mattrom 16th November 2020, 21:55
» by fieryjack
Times Monthly Club Special 20242 8 bobbycollins 16th November 2020, 21:49
» by deslyxic
Local cryptic 1 tonta 16th November 2020, 14:47
» by malone
Times cryptic 1.4 4 whetstone 16th November 2020, 12:32
» by whetstone
Everyman 3,866 57 alzy 16th November 2020, 12:04
» by dandybandy
AZED 2527 6 bananabean 16th November 2020, 10:29
» by eviltony
LISTENER 4633, MAY CONTAIN ANSWERS 71 malone 16th November 2020, 09:38
» by woodlouse
Speccie 2483 19 kirky 16th November 2020, 08:02
» by unclued
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