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Life & Style 1619 2 linton 9th December 2020, 12:14
» by rusty
Rt 50 5 lissie 8th December 2020, 11:20
» by dandybandy
Mephisto 3145 queries 2 timdownieuk 8th December 2020, 07:17
» by timdownieuk
LISTENER 4636, MAY CONTAIN ANSWERS 50 malone 7th December 2020, 23:56
» by bazotto
Wall Street Journal 20201205 21 syzygy 7th December 2020, 23:47
» by brendan
Times jumbo cryptic 1471 20 hagleymum 7th December 2020, 19:25
» by tango
ST4932 14 loubyloo10 7th December 2020, 14:11
» by kenhiggs
Private Eye 691 3 cesdlv 7th December 2020, 14:01
» by cesdlv
Weekend Peer Review 57 72 jono 7th December 2020, 12:34
» by fieryjack
Guardian Prize 28,309 90 brendan 7th December 2020, 11:48
» by nodrog
Famous People .... Rotary Club Of Uttoxeter 3 itsme 7th December 2020, 11:05
» by itsme
Ditloid 0 tiger3 6th December 2020, 21:47
» by tiger3
ST 4932 6 duffer 6th December 2020, 17:24
» by duffer
Bare Bones Mail on Sunday 3 brianheslop 6th December 2020, 16:38
» by malone
ST 4932 5 grimalkin 6th December 2020, 14:55
» by shipwreck
BRIDGES 1 epsh42 6th December 2020, 12:35
» by quisling
getting there 0 mrsmunch 6th December 2020, 12:31
» by mrsmunch
Need the word play 3 sarumite 6th December 2020, 12:30
» by malone
Inquisitor 1676 41 bunty 6th December 2020, 11:42
» by granama1
Broken Rules and irrelevant clues? - RT 49 22 mop 6th December 2020, 11:38
» by brendan
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