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Anagram of a celebrity name 5 temus 19th December 2020, 15:22
» by temus
Wee Stinker 2 weethinker 19th December 2020, 14:00
» by weethinker
LISTENER 4638 10 tatters 19th December 2020, 10:58
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Local rag 1 bert 19th December 2020, 08:36
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alphapuzzle fri 3 manudave 18th December 2020, 17:44
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Times cryptic 3.46 4 whetstone 18th December 2020, 13:20
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LISTENER 4637, MAY CONTAIN ANSWERS 103 malone 17th December 2020, 23:03
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AFR Cryptic has stumped us 2 grannylyn 17th December 2020, 22:52
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RTE Guide xmas crossword 2020 1 laurel 17th December 2020, 21:33
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Harpers 2021-01 puzzle 40 syzygy 17th December 2020, 18:52
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CLUELESS 505 70 faiton 17th December 2020, 14:23
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Times Jumbo Cryptic 1472 4 alland 16th December 2020, 21:00
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alphapuzzle wed 3 manudave 16th December 2020, 16:46
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Mephisto 3146 5 stockie 16th December 2020, 11:23
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Guardian 28,318 4 brendan 16th December 2020, 09:19
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Guardian Prize 28,315 84 brendan 16th December 2020, 09:16
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Inquisitor 1677 28 jogamel 16th December 2020, 08:17
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SMILE Christmas - then and now 4 itsme 15th December 2020, 21:13
» by itsme
EV 1465 2 brendan 15th December 2020, 17:56
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Spectator 2487 15 itsme 15th December 2020, 10:46
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