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Sunday Times General knowledge quiz 246 2 yadboh 27th December 2020, 11:33
» by yadboh
LISTENER 4639, MAY CONTAIN ANSWERS 34 malone 27th December 2020, 09:39
» by loge
LISTENER 4638, MAY CONTAIN ANSWERS 128 malone 27th December 2020, 03:54
» by mooncow
Times cryptic 27858 24d 2 puzzledbob 26th December 2020, 23:44
» by puzzledbob
Wee Stinker 5 ian 26th December 2020, 22:50
» by ian
Champagne Crossword 1 linton 26th December 2020, 22:00
» by spoffy
Times cryptic 3.53 7 whetstone 26th December 2020, 19:30
» by whetstone
IQ 1667 0 luftmensch 26th December 2020, 17:48
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Times cryptic 3.52 12 whetstone 26th December 2020, 16:18
» by whetstone
Times 27858 3 down 1 queenie 26th December 2020, 15:57
» by tatters
Times Cryptic1474 0 merryphil 26th December 2020, 13:08
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Missing Times supplements - need Jumbo Crossword! 1 sallyw 26th December 2020, 12:08
» by sallyw
YP 1817 2 linton 26th December 2020, 11:01
» by linton
HAPPY CHRISTMAS 13 norah (admin) 26th December 2020, 09:45
» by kt17
Sat times 27858 3 paul 26th December 2020, 04:34
» by paul
PEER REVIEW 468 60 mattrom 26th December 2020, 00:40
» by dorrien
Christmas Listener? 5 fgsltw 25th December 2020, 20:29
» by fgsltw
for chrise 5 rambler 25th December 2020, 14:26
» by chrise
6 letters 1 redhotcash 24th December 2020, 23:57
» by mathprofrockstar
4 letters 9 redhotcash 24th December 2020, 23:15
» by redhotcash
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