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i newspaper cryptic #3087 3 hugew 31st December 2020, 09:37
» by brendan
CLUELESS 507 62 buddy 31st December 2020, 08:08
» by granama1
Phoenix Annual 2020 2 kluso 31st December 2020, 00:39
» by kluso
Help Needed ! 8 gtobes77 30th December 2020, 22:05
» by malone
Herald 2020 2 dusty51 30th December 2020, 21:02
» by mildred
Sunday Independent Final Whistle Sports Crossword 2020 15 rory01 30th December 2020, 19:52
» by corona
Times cryptic 3.59 5 whetstone 30th December 2020, 17:22
» by whetstone
Herald Christmas Eve 2020 2 flummoxed 30th December 2020, 16:34
» by flummoxed
Times Jumbo 1475 - Cryptic 10 bear of lb 30th December 2020, 16:33
» by kenhiggs
LISTENER 4639 35 tatters 30th December 2020, 16:07
» by jack aubrey
Everyman 3,872 38 brendan 30th December 2020, 13:22
» by alto
What makes a good definition (spoiler for Guardian 28,328 inside) 10 bigblind 30th December 2020, 13:05
» by jono
Times cryptic No. 27858 11 rocketman 30th December 2020, 13:01
» by malone
Old alphapuzzle 3 landy 30th December 2020, 10:51
» by malone
for norah (admin) - help please! 3 quixote 30th December 2020, 09:57
» by norah (admin)
Can anyone help me to solve this? 1 enigma83 29th December 2020, 20:11
» by mathprofrockstar
Help with ditloids please 9 mardell 29th December 2020, 18:15
» by mathprofrockstar
DM Tues 2 loubyloo10 29th December 2020, 17:16
» by loubyloo10
pedants united 4 alanfi 28th December 2020, 21:49
» by malone
Sunday independent final whistle 2 seve 28th December 2020, 21:39
» by seve
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