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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Saturday Irish News 3 sasha 12th July 2021, 12:34
» by norah (admin)
Times Jumbo 1507 9 strangelybrown 12th July 2021, 10:09
» by strangelybrown
Guardian Prize 28,494 144 geeker 11th July 2021, 22:47
» by luko
Wee Stinker 10/07/2021 3 timdownieuk 11th July 2021, 11:08
» by timdownieuk
AZED 2561 1 cockie 11th July 2021, 09:34
» by cockie
Daily Record Crossword 7 brahan 10th July 2021, 20:46
» by paradigmshifter
@mamya 3 chrise 10th July 2021, 19:44
» by mamya
Everyman 3,899 90 brendan 10th July 2021, 17:27
» by paradigmshifter
Viz 307 - Caution PG 28 hastings69 10th July 2021, 13:22
» by malone
Spectator 2514 (Welcome back by Fieldfare) 2 peter284 10th July 2021, 12:31
» by peter284
TIMES 28,026 3 gooner 10th July 2021, 12:01
» by gooner
YP 1845 5 linton 10th July 2021, 11:31
» by malone
LISTENER 4667 6 malone 10th July 2021, 04:00
» by ixion
PEER REVIEW 496 46 bigbadmarty2 9th July 2021, 23:08
» by mathprofrockstar
IQ 1706 24 pompeydb 9th July 2021, 16:30
» by malone
LISTENER 4666, MAY CONTAIN ANSWERS* 54 malone 8th July 2021, 21:11
» by williamseal
CLUELESS 534 51 mathprofrockstar 8th July 2021, 17:06
» by fieryjack
Eye Crossword 706 10 hastings69 8th July 2021, 16:00
» by unlockholmes
Times 28002 4 kfirst 8th July 2021, 12:53
» by kfirst
Times Monthly Special 20250 2 piffleworthy 8th July 2021, 10:00
» by piffleworthy
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