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Azed 2372 1 jack aubrey 26th November 2017, 16:08
» by jacknatter
Everyman 1 dscutler 26th November 2017, 15:57
» by malone
HERALD GK 7 sengamur605 26th November 2017, 15:41
» by arranbrown
Times 26892 3 rozbogs 26th November 2017, 15:18
» by rozbogs
ST 4774 7 grimalkin 26th November 2017, 14:49
» by grimalkin
PEER REVIEW 309 92 ginge 26th November 2017, 14:32
» by paul
SunT-4774 6 hallgreening 26th November 2017, 13:53
» by shooty
Times jumbo easy 3 dollyflop 26th November 2017, 13:40
» by dollyflop
Times 1295 Cryptic 3 ftsalmon 26th November 2017, 11:48
» by ftsalmon
Everyman 5 thomas 26th November 2017, 11:43
» by cymro
i Cryptic 2122 4 diablos 26th November 2017, 11:19
» by rusty
i 2122 6 bellandme 26th November 2017, 10:08
» by cerasus
27364 guardian cryptic 4 cind 26th November 2017, 08:42
» by cind
Need help with this Pairs in Rhyme puzzle! 3 icauser44 26th November 2017, 08:32
» by stevie gee
Times jumbo cryptic 1295 2 grahamr 26th November 2017, 02:02
» by grahamr
Times Jumbo 1295 - Cryptic 13 bear of lb 26th November 2017, 01:21
» by sallyw
Times 26,892 8 lindal 25th November 2017, 20:29
» by brendan
I cryptic 4 thomas 25th November 2017, 19:28
» by cerasus
LOCAL PAPER 3 brahan 25th November 2017, 18:44
» by elle
Icryptic 2122 8 rob 25th November 2017, 18:31
» by rossim
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