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All things musical 3 cherub19 29th November 2017, 10:04
» by vookis
Viz 271 PG! 3 arthur23 29th November 2017, 10:03
» by vookis
Dm weds 13 peg y don 29th November 2017, 10:02
» by vookis
Alphapuzzle Wed 15th 4 cat55 29th November 2017, 10:01
» by vookis
Alphapuzzle Tues 2 cat55 29th November 2017, 08:38
» by rossim
Times crossword 26892 5 johndoeford 28th November 2017, 22:09
» by rusty
SWEP cryptic 3 martynclark 28th November 2017, 20:22
» by martynclark
Missing link 1 washford2005 28th November 2017, 18:39
» by jazzgirl
EV 1306 30 racheldiaz 28th November 2017, 18:14
» by jigjag
i Cryptic 2124 8 diablos 28th November 2017, 11:27
» by diablos
S/mail £100x/word 3 jinty 28th November 2017, 11:11
» by jinty
5 MORE BIRDS 6 hannah 28th November 2017, 10:33
» by rossim
S/mail £100x/word 5 jinty 28th November 2017, 10:29
» by elle
S/mail £100x/word 2 jinty 28th November 2017, 09:27
» by jinty
Rainbow Quiz 2017. Treasure Hunt 261 shazza60 28th November 2017, 09:23
» by fergus59
alphapuzzle. Monday. 16 manudave 27th November 2017, 19:45
» by manudave
DT prize 475 Across 7 2 geoff marbella 27th November 2017, 19:12
» by rossim
WEE STINKER 8 stevie gee 27th November 2017, 18:56
» by penguin
SAGA December 5 trelos1 27th November 2017, 18:17
» by mamya
I crypic 8 thomas 27th November 2017, 12:25
» by andyc
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