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Cryptic Crossword Help 13 icauser44 20th January 2019, 04:51
» by brendan
Wee Stinker Revisited 5 andyb 19th January 2019, 21:09
» by andyb
daily record 2 theresa 19th January 2019, 20:57
» by mamya
YP 1716 3 cooks07 19th January 2019, 19:56
» by cooks07
Guardian prize 13 barny 19th January 2019, 19:24
» by malone
Ad mail. Sat 1 bailey 19th January 2019, 14:34
» by barrycat
SAT TIMES 27252 2 hallgreening 19th January 2019, 12:52
» by hallgreening
Times Cryptic 1363 2 grahamr 19th January 2019, 11:48
» by scorpiojo
YP1716 2 yorkie 19th January 2019, 10:21
» by yorkie
YP 1716 1 linton 19th January 2019, 10:18
» by yorkie
Saturday Times 4 frameshift 19th January 2019, 09:09
» by malone
Toronto Globe and Mail 1 izzythedram 18th January 2019, 22:08
» by mattrom
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 9 ollyblue 18th January 2019, 18:58
» by cerasus
Times cryptic Jumbo 1362 3 crossray 18th January 2019, 17:25
» by elle
TLS 1259 3 xwordfan 18th January 2019, 15:10
» by xwordfan
Jumbo1362 3 despard 18th January 2019, 14:15
» by stevie gee
Lovely 2 ynotnosbig 18th January 2019, 13:14
» by jigjag
RT 4 3 magworth 18th January 2019, 11:41
» by magworth
i Cryptic 4279 9 diablos 18th January 2019, 10:30
» by diablos
Abounding in three words 0 georgeoa 17th January 2019, 23:02
» by georgeoa
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