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AZED No. 2,432 5 itsme 21st January 2019, 13:09
» by itsme
alphapuzzle monday 3 manudave 21st January 2019, 12:26
» by malone
i Cryptic 2481 6 diablos 21st January 2019, 11:46
» by cerasus
Inq 1578 43 qesue 21st January 2019, 09:46
» by bunty
Saturday alphapuzzle 1 landy 21st January 2019, 08:14
» by cerasus
Saturday alphapuzzle help 1 landy 21st January 2019, 08:13
» by cerasus
Answers to Clueless 406 and Peer Review 369 0 mattrom 21st January 2019, 01:20
» by mattrom
Everyman 3771 Three to do 10 johnpuzzle 20th January 2019, 21:02
» by elle
SWEP cryptic 2 martynclark 20th January 2019, 19:49
» by martynclark
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 5 ollyblue 20th January 2019, 19:04
» by malone
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1363 6 dandhh 20th January 2019, 18:49
» by dandhh
Express skeleton 2 april 20th January 2019, 18:39
» by mattrom
Times 27252 1 bigdave1954 20th January 2019, 17:45
» by rusty
Stuck again!!! 🤪 4 swardrope1711 20th January 2019, 17:31
» by elle
Yorkshire Post Giant 40 2 sarahe 20th January 2019, 17:28
» by mattrom
Everstuck 3 swardrope1711 20th January 2019, 13:41
» by scorpiojo
Everyman 3771 9 peadar 20th January 2019, 13:17
» by peadar
Everyman 3771 3 bassa2010 20th January 2019, 13:07
» by bassa2010
Times27252 8 derekack 20th January 2019, 11:35
» by elle
Wee stinker 20 numpty 20th January 2019, 10:45
» by malone
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