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ST 4833 3 hallgreening 13th January 2019, 11:38
» by elle
ST4833 3 anriard 13th January 2019, 10:20
» by malone
Genius 187 64 jadzia49 13th January 2019, 05:22
» by dnairb
Times Jumbo 1362 - Cryptic 6 bear of lb 12th January 2019, 21:52
» by elle
Times27246 14 derekack 12th January 2019, 21:48
» by rusty
I cryptic 2474 3 pepsi1000 12th January 2019, 20:32
» by malone
alphapuzzle saturday 2 manudave 12th January 2019, 20:17
» by manudave
PEER REVIEW 368 64 tyke51 12th January 2019, 18:08
» by tyke51
Times 27246 5 myla 12th January 2019, 18:02
» by gooner
I can't get 3a 20 sam45 12th January 2019, 16:23
» by malone
Wee stinker 12 Jan. 4 sam45 12th January 2019, 15:35
» by scorpiojo
Herald GK 743 3 andyb 12th January 2019, 14:55
» by andyb
YP1715 2 cooks07 12th January 2019, 13:52
» by cooks07
WeeStinker 12th Jan 18 flummoxed 12th January 2019, 13:34
» by weethinker
GUARDIAN 27,716 2 gooner 12th January 2019, 13:03
» by gooner
YP 1715 2 linton 12th January 2019, 10:43
» by linton
SAT TIMES 27246 2 hallgreening 12th January 2019, 10:27
» by hallgreening
GH GK - it's the place name again! 5 alasdair 12th January 2019, 10:26
» by alasdair
Times jumbo1362 1 philm 12th January 2019, 10:00
» by scorpiojo
Everything's Relative 5 icauser44 12th January 2019, 09:36
» by rossim
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