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Subday mail £100 crossword 2 jinty 27th January 2019, 20:58
» by cerasus
private eye 643 18A 3 jacanterbury 27th January 2019, 19:51
» by malone
TIMES 27,258 6 gooner 27th January 2019, 18:56
» by malone
Times 27258 4 bigdave1954 27th January 2019, 18:40
» by cerasus
Scotland on Sunday again. 3 andyb 27th January 2019, 17:04
» by malone
Times 2 no1364 26th Jan 5 cliffb 27th January 2019, 16:22
» by malone
ST 4835 3 grimalkin 27th January 2019, 14:37
» by malone
Transport 11 susie 27th January 2019, 13:44
» by cerasus
Everyman 3722 2 peadar 27th January 2019, 13:28
» by peadar
Scotland on Sunday 4 john 27th January 2019, 13:07
» by john
The Week 1142 2 halifaxandrew 27th January 2019, 12:38
» by halifaxandrew
PEER REVIEW 370 59 bigbadmarty2 27th January 2019, 11:57
» by jws
ST4835 6 anriard 27th January 2019, 11:24
» by elle
Alphapuzzle Friday 4 landy 27th January 2019, 11:23
» by elle
Rossims acrostic 1 penda 27th January 2019, 11:11
» by rossim
Times 2 Crossword 1364 7 yadboh 27th January 2019, 10:58
» by cerasus
For jazzgirl 3 aristophanes 27th January 2019, 01:38
» by aristophanes
Times Cryptic 1364 1 grahamr 26th January 2019, 23:14
» by wintonian
Guardian Prize 12 griffin 26th January 2019, 22:43
» by roof
RT 4 - 6 Down 3 chopper erk 26th January 2019, 22:21
» by malone
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