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Spectator 2390 14 leon 17th January 2019, 21:39
» by malone
Harpers 2019-02 puzzle 7 syzygy 17th January 2019, 20:46
» by syzygy
The Week 1140 2 jenpepian 17th January 2019, 19:55
» by jenpepian
Please help with this Brain Teaser! 2 icauser44 17th January 2019, 18:33
» by icauser44
Listener 4537 90 gitto 17th January 2019, 13:37
» by cass
i Cryptic 2478 6 diablos 17th January 2019, 12:53
» by cerasus
alphapuzzle thursday 2 manudave 17th January 2019, 12:36
» by rusty
EV 1365 20 cloverjo 17th January 2019, 11:56
» by orson
CLUELESS 406 30 chrise 17th January 2019, 10:48
» by fieryjack
Times 1 paul 17th January 2019, 03:58
» by paul
RT 3 3 radarman 16th January 2019, 20:22
» by radarman
rte guide no. 4 1 laurel 16th January 2019, 20:13
» by scorpiojo
AZED 2,431 10 itsme 16th January 2019, 19:49
» by scorpiojo
Linkword 7 rays 16th January 2019, 18:19
» by rusty
TOP TIPS FOR STARTERS 2 penda 16th January 2019, 17:15
» by penda
Cryptic jumbo 1362 .times 12/1/19 8 jerryfitz 16th January 2019, 16:23
» by malone
Daily Mail Wednesday 3 brianheslop 16th January 2019, 16:00
» by malone
Times Jumbo cryptic 1362 54Ac 5 stockie 16th January 2019, 15:28
» by rusty
Crossword Clue Help 2 icauser44 16th January 2019, 14:22
» by tyke51
Jumbo1362 2 despard 16th January 2019, 13:21
» by despard
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