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last 2! 1 matty 12th January 2009, 07:23
» by howie
daily record 91 across 3 david 11th January 2009, 22:53
» by john (from arran)
The Herald General Knowledge #222 5 john (from arran) 11th January 2009, 22:39
» by john (from arran)
Times jumbo cryptic 795 10 trevor 11th January 2009, 22:37
» by trevor
Two Word solution 2 templetenny 11th January 2009, 22:21
» by templetenny
S Trib 3 tipptop 11th January 2009, 21:51
» by tipptop
Help 1 david1949 11th January 2009, 21:17
» by terry
IMOS 5 toastcake 11th January 2009, 19:07
» by terry
Mephisto 2524 2 jerry smith 11th January 2009, 18:52
» by jerry smith
Radio Times No.3 2 bees 11th January 2009, 16:36
» by bees
Daily Record Sat 10th 4 brenda 11th January 2009, 14:47
» by brenda
Help 1 peera 11th January 2009, 14:30
» by big dave
DT 25,822 2 boadicea 11th January 2009, 11:15
» by boadicea
DT 25822 4 les 11th January 2009, 10:21
» by les
DT25,822 2 richard 11th January 2009, 10:08
» by richard
dtgk crossword 10.01.09 3 elaine 11th January 2009, 09:26
» by elaine
marnie 2 xfan 11th January 2009, 02:55
» by trevor
DT25822 21 cici 10th January 2009, 22:39
» by xfan
Times2 795 0 mhairi 10th January 2009, 19:54
» by mhairi
DT 25822 5 jean pollock 10th January 2009, 17:07
» by john (from arran)
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