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RT no4 4 vicky 15th January 2009, 10:16
» by george m
DT 25,825 anyone doing this today? 1 desperate 14th January 2009, 23:26
» by jimc
RTE Guide crossword 2 rufina stephenson 14th January 2009, 23:14
» by jimc
Times 24,122 2 geordie kermit 14th January 2009, 15:10
» by geordie kermit
'You' 11th Jan 2 lizzie 14th January 2009, 15:01
» by lizzie
stinker 4 jean 14th January 2009, 09:45
» by xfan
Fruit and Veg quiz 18 kate 13th January 2009, 18:27
» by kate
Herculis GK 4 jerry smith 13th January 2009, 16:42
» by graham middleton
ST Crossword 4311 5 marnie 13th January 2009, 16:21
» by marnie
Times Jumbo 795 (cryptic) 4 jonny 13th January 2009, 14:04
» by jonny
Times Jumbo 795 cryptic 3 marnie 13th January 2009, 11:47
» by marnie
help needed please 2 jean. 13th January 2009, 11:41
» by jean
The Times 24119 1ac 6 jomac 13th January 2009, 11:15
» by jomac
DT 15 across 4 desperate 13th January 2009, 10:47
» by jerry smith
Observer everyman 3250 3 caroline 13th January 2009, 10:18
» by caravaggio
Times 24,120 2 geordie kermit 12th January 2009, 23:14
» by geordie kermit
Mail on Sunday Prize Xword 2 mastro 12th January 2009, 19:08
» by mastro
Daily Express 12/01 3 interceptor 12th January 2009, 17:04
» by meg
Times2 795 6 mhairi 12th January 2009, 16:11
» by checker
you crossword 1 sue 12th January 2009, 13:27
» by dee
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