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DT 25828 2 sally 19th January 2009, 12:33
» by big dave
stinker is back 2 jean 19th January 2009, 08:35
» by xfan
Sat Times Jumbo Cryptic 796 6 marnie 19th January 2009, 01:59
» by trevor
Sun Bus Post 3 templetenny 19th January 2009, 00:10
» by templetenny
Ireland on sunday 0 toastcake 18th January 2009, 22:26
» by toastcake
Times 24,125 11 jerry smith 18th January 2009, 21:40
» by tony lichfield
need two answers to finish,can any1help,pls? 5 kerry 18th January 2009, 21:36
» by kerry
Ireland on Sunday 1 toastcake 18th January 2009, 20:36
» by caravaggio
The Week 627 Hidden clues 5 kiloalpha 18th January 2009, 18:30
» by big dave
RT no 4 1 carjo 18th January 2009, 15:39
» by john (from arran)
DT25828 15 leon 18th January 2009, 15:39
» by tony lichfield
John from Arran 1 big dave 18th January 2009, 14:22
» by john (from arran)
DT25,828 7 jg 18th January 2009, 11:48
» by dave anderson
19 across 1 kdl 17th January 2009, 20:51
» by alfie
Stuck on two! 2 phil 17th January 2009, 20:47
» by thanks
DT25,828 2 alfie 17th January 2009, 20:34
» by alfie
Times Jumbo Crossword 795 6 rob 17th January 2009, 19:50
» by rob harries
DT25828 4 ros 17th January 2009, 18:29
» by big dave
Why do DT readers ... 1 cow pie 17th January 2009, 18:25
» by big dave
Club monhly 20100 6 jim 17th January 2009, 18:23
» by john (from arran)
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