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Club monhly 20100 6 jim 17th January 2009, 18:23
» by john (from arran)
dt 25828 3 fi 17th January 2009, 18:18
» by big dave
one crossword clue 1 january blues 17th January 2009, 18:14
» by john (from arran)
DT 25,828 7 claire 17th January 2009, 17:58
» by liz
fishing 2 john s 17th January 2009, 16:17
» by john s
fishing 2 john s 17th January 2009, 16:15
» by john s
DT 25828 1 geoff 17th January 2009, 16:04
» by big dave
You 17 Jan 3 templetenny 17th January 2009, 15:42
» by templetenny
Daily Record Crossword Sat 17 Jan 2 andrew 17th January 2009, 14:05
» by andrew
Anagram-based word-puzzle with a twist 0 keith, pompey 17th January 2009, 09:47
» by keith, pompey
rt no 4 2 lesley 17th January 2009, 00:02
» by lesley
help! 4 matty 16th January 2009, 23:04
» by john (from arran)
RT No 4 again 2 sue l 16th January 2009, 12:40
» by sue l
local paper help please 2 bill 16th January 2009, 12:17
» by bill
Cardinal sin 3 renton 16th January 2009, 08:59
» by renton
Times 24,123 3 geordie kermit 15th January 2009, 19:11
» by jerry smith
Clue of the Week - The Week 4 sarah 15th January 2009, 16:38
» by sarah
RT No.4 2 sue 15th January 2009, 14:50
» by meg
stuck 3 judy 15th January 2009, 14:09
» by big dave
T2 Jumbo 315 6 jim 15th January 2009, 11:43
» by jim
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