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Stuck 2 phil 24th January 2009, 15:53
» by phil
Times 24,131 2 jerry smith 24th January 2009, 15:30
» by jerry smith
WI Life crossword 2 iris 24th January 2009, 14:32
» by terry
DT 25,834 4 Down 4 zaphod 24th January 2009, 14:06
» by zaphod
DT 25834 1 jason 24th January 2009, 13:51
» by mike b
help needed! 4 matty 24th January 2009, 03:25
» by trevor
DT 25,833 16 Across 2 desperate 23rd January 2009, 23:29
» by desperate
Sunday Times 18.01.09 3 fannym 23rd January 2009, 18:02
» by fannym
RT5 3 vivienne 23rd January 2009, 16:59
» by terry
local xword help please 4 bill 23rd January 2009, 16:42
» by bill
RT 5 2 bill 23rd January 2009, 16:38
» by bill
times2jumbo796 2 bobbyvee 23rd January 2009, 13:05
» by big dave
help with earth science puzzle. 2 greg thompson 23rd January 2009, 12:22
» by john (from arran)
Times Jumbo 796 5 mark 22nd January 2009, 15:52
» by mark
RTE Guide 1 toastcake 22nd January 2009, 09:04
» by jimc
PETER IS OUT OF DANGER 8 desperate 21st January 2009, 20:39
» by philip
dt 25831 2 peterx 21st January 2009, 19:24
» by peterx
Radio Times No 5 (last two) 3 dm 21st January 2009, 19:13
» by dm
mos s.lancelot crossword 2 krisstoff 21st January 2009, 18:29
» by krisstoff
DT 25,831 2 waywardtim 21st January 2009, 17:57
» by waywardtim
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