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RT16 2 philip 11th April 2009, 19:10
» by philip
Times 24197 3 may 11th April 2009, 19:03
» by may
Cryptic 3 chuckle 11th April 2009, 17:30
» by chuckle
Stuck! 7 phil 11th April 2009, 17:23
» by caravaggio
Times Jumbo Cryptic 2 sally 11th April 2009, 16:29
» by sally
Cryptic UK place names 9 nibbles 11th April 2009, 16:28
» by nibbles
Quick Telegraph 2 pauline 11th April 2009, 14:51
» by pauline
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 7 pooksahib 11th April 2009, 14:18
» by trevor
Put Your House in Order 38 jennyg 11th April 2009, 13:49
» by lizzie
FAO trevor 19 pooksahib 11th April 2009, 13:20
» by pooksahib
Rainbow clue no. 94 2 jimc 11th April 2009, 12:37
» by jimc
FOLKESTONE LIONS CLUB QUIZ 7 campanilla 11th April 2009, 11:42
» by big dave
Cryptic overnight 13 md 10th April 2009, 23:17
» by laura
Rainbow quiz 23 lizzie 10th April 2009, 22:57
» by md
Express Cryptic 5 cinderella 10th April 2009, 21:09
» by cinderella
Clothes 6 chuckle 10th April 2009, 16:51
» by chuckle
cryptic 6 nibbles 10th April 2009, 16:10
» by nibbles
The Week 641 3 wombat 10th April 2009, 14:50
» by wombat
Stuck with a cryptic times 3 sally 10th April 2009, 14:42
» by sally
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 3 pooksahib 10th April 2009, 11:16
» by pooksahib
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