In my @7 I suggested 24a only worked if the 2nd letter of the 2nd word was a D and also said I'd checked Google and couldn't find any examples of it with that spelling - I still can't, so I'm curious where some of you are finding them.
Thanks Chris, but I have a feeling that is also a misprint given that if you scroll down a little way under "popular tracks", you'll see the same track by the same band spelt with a B not a D.
Sorry Chris, I misunderstood. I thought some people were saying that they'd found examples of justification for that spelling. I didn't realise they were referring to misspellings.
I'd never seen the "D" spelling.
As swarbrules (iirc) mentioned, there is a spelling with "E" as the 3d letter of the 2nd word, but that doesn't parse.