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1st December 2024, 16:29
Finished eventually, but don't see the parsing if the first 2 letters of 6d (assuming the remainder is the working of nut).
71 of 77  -   Report This Post


1st December 2024, 16:45
First 2 letters of 6d are 2 of the 3 letters from "nut", final letter of the solution is the remaining one.
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1st December 2024, 17:35
Many thanks Jono for your parsing explanations, though I still don't get 9d - I've never understood & Lits. But I'm happy to forget it now. I think it is actually 50 years since my M.Sc. Perhaps I should celebrate it!

Just finished making my Christmas cakes today. I hate the first two weeks of December because they are so busy - cards to write, presents to wrap and post, house to decorate. Perhaps I shouldn't bother.

I look forward to next Saturday, when I'll have done half of it and can enjoy doing the crossword and reading all your comments.
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1st December 2024, 23:37
Responding to #1. I found this nearly impossible, even getting 17 fairly soon, but Google didn't find a related titan for me so maybe I got it wrong but I don't think so.

Is Paul one of those 'love or hate' setters? I'm definitely not in the love camp.

Gave up on this one with very few clues solved and an overwhelming sense of frustration. Will see what the answers are when the time comes. In future, I'll probably skip Paul altogether.
74 of 77  -   Report This Post


2nd December 2024, 08:35
Micky, in 9d, the key word is 'in'. There are two examples of the answer: one is IN 'Gaia, then another', and the other is IN 'another also'.
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3rd December 2024, 08:48
Finally finished yesterday after a slow start. Got the theme due to Saturday's date, also our wedding anniversary (50th hence the slow start!)
FOI 17A (when I was an 8 year old sassenach living up there I thought it was spelt rather different)
COD Tie between 3D and 9D
Thanks for all your help, wouldn't have finished without the forum
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6th December 2024, 21:13
After a preoccupied week, finished this just now, Friday. Reading the forum, after only solving a few, was planning to Google "titan" and my 17a, but Roof's single word "vegetarian" led me to the l8nf answer, which as a 3/4 Scot I know well!

Foi18a, loi 5d.
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