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23rd November 2024, 16:51
re19d If one is preparing to burgle a house, one is ****** the joint
31 of 56  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2024, 17:03
Very enjoyable parts to this, some geography, biology, astrology, music, brickology….finished but can parse 12d other than the definition and maybe two letters for the preservation body ?? My fav was 18a as its her name but I call her Welsh Spice….
32 of 56  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2024, 17:06
12 parses as 4 for "spoken" around a 4 letter "celebrity", and your preservation body
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23rd November 2024, 17:14
Hi everyone

Well I've done quite well today, so it must be easy, but I'm stuck on four clues: 1ac, 2d, 4d and 13ac.

For 4d, I can't think of any synonym for raver or clumsy person. I assume I have to take the first letter off one of those to get the other one.
13ac I gather is a homophone. I assume it means said, with a fish you have to take the u out of. Brendan I don't know how to find things on U tube. Can I have the link?
1ac and 1d, can I have a hint please.

The only word I've never come across so far is 7d. I haven't managed to parse the first three letters of 15d. I'm not happy with 17ac - it can't be an anagram. For 3d, I took the definition to be the first word - Nobody.
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23rd November 2024, 17:21
Hi, roof. Where would a raver be found?
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23rd November 2024, 17:24
Hi roof
13 is just a posh pronunciation of "off" to get a fish.
4 the raver is the word to take a letter off - someone who goes on the town at night, perhaps, The answer is better known with a 4 letter word in front of it.
1 a word for "just" in a sense of "appropriate" ( I'm struggling for a better hint), with the last letter changed from one hand to the other.
36 of 56  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2024, 17:25
13 is a fish. A posh person might pronounce a word in the clue the same. I guess. I'm American so these homophones mystify me. 1a the definition is launch. Switch the last letter form a word meaning just. Did you mean 2d instead of 1d? And 17 is a partial anagram surrounding a type of vessel (ship.)
37 of 56  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2024, 17:26

I've no idea where to find a raver. I think I have 1ac now, though I can't parse it. If I'm right I have L?B?E? for 4d.
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23rd November 2024, 17:28
Thanks Chrise got it now I

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23rd November 2024, 17:30

It's a straight homophone and is a favourite fish among setters.
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