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20th October 2024, 19:12
Despite all the correspondence about 16A I'm still stuck, which makes me wonder if I've got 5D right - m - n - m - m meaning least. I also can't do 7D. Drat!
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20th October 2024, 19:52
Re 16a, I agree with Bowergirl that it's an unfair clue as To is a word in it's own right and there is nothing to indicate that it's a truncated word. Only got it with the crossers, and even then wasn't initially sure.

If you've not already got it HeleninGlos, 'to' is a shortened version of a male feline, which has a shortened tail (so the word is 'de-tailed'). Clever in retrospect, but not a good clue for the likes of most Everyman solvers (like me!)

7d is the name of a well known animal (from the clue) with the first 3 letters parsing as a homophone for main (think marine) and the last 7 parsing as something you might snack on for elevenses.
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20th October 2024, 20:44
Thanks julesvern - I've never heard of 7d, either as a film or otherwise. Your hints got me there.
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20th October 2024, 21:30
I too think 16a is unreasonable. I'm sure most of us rely on the crossers to work out what we as individuals find to be the hardest clues - I couldn't finish any Everyman without them, but surely a clue should be intelligible on its own merits. However, it's good to be stretched sometimes as the last couple of weeks have been pretty straightforward.
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20th October 2024, 21:34
My hero! Thanks !
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21st October 2024, 09:35
I am likely to finish this one. A couple of doubtfuls, and I'm missing 18d - if it's what I think it is, that's just incorrect re the first word in the clue.

But 20a has me mystified. My crossers seem to parse (bgt), leading me to only one or two possibles for the first word. Which is neither dark nor comic. Any help appreciated.
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21st October 2024, 09:52
Hi Fernie

Your B is wrong
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21st October 2024, 11:05
Thank you Geting! I read the other clue as I've *a* beer and the support being 'moral'.

I still maintain that 18d isn't a shepherd. Now I know there's 5 and not 4 in 19d
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22nd October 2024, 10:59
Hi Chrise. If you work for Uber, for example, you are said to be part of the 1across. Apparently.
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22nd October 2024, 12:23
Yes, the definition is fine, as I said. That still doesn't explain the wordplay for the second word.
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