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19th October 2024, 12:54
Gitto - 13A definition is first 3 words, with a misprint.

wordplay splits 3+1
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jack aubrey

19th October 2024, 16:01
Thank you, Seps. That was a challenge which I made harder for myself by misspelling 18a and convincing myself at the outset that the definition of 1a applied to the answer for 1d…. However, it resolved perfectly once the two effects became clear and led to the subject.
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19th October 2024, 18:10
I liked how the theme was used to inspire several different transformations. Made it fun to piece together the criteria to get to the final answer. Though that second highlighted word took a bit too much staring for my taste.
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19th October 2024, 18:17
I think I have the second word, it has a similar meaning to a meaning of the first word, and put together it's a phrase (6,4) that's associated with the subject. But I cannot see where the second word is at all. After last week's unfinished GWIT-athon I'm really starting to doubt whether the Listener is as much fun as once it was.
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19th October 2024, 18:26
"in the shape of the symbol". If you have the 6-letter one there are only 2 places the 4-letter one can be.
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19th October 2024, 18:52
I was looking for the wrong four letter word. I've found the correct four letter word now, having expended many four letter words of my own in the process. As someone else already said, totally fair if you have any knowledge of the subject, a complete GWIT if you do not.
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19th October 2024, 18:54
I have to disagree that there are only two places for the second word, assuming my 6-letter first word is correct. It depends how the shape of the symbol is to be formed. I can find a four letter name at one end (of a fictional character in the opera about the subject), and a five letter word (overlapping by a letter) for important parts of the subject’s anatomy, given the profession in question, at the other, both of which would give a fair representation of the symbol. I think it very unfair that there is not more of a hint as to the second word.
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19th October 2024, 19:36
Is it giving too much away to answer the question of whether the two words have a total of 10 letters in them, or if it's more than 10 letters but there is some overlap?

I am staring and staring and no words are jumping out aside from the first one I spotted (although is that a too-obvious red herring????)
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19th October 2024, 21:15
kindred2 - ten letters, no overlap.
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19th October 2024, 22:19
Think carpentry, kindred2
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