HI everyone
I was already downhearted when I saw it was a Boatman as experience tells me I shall have trouble. And there are the SIs. I can't think of anything that comes in dozens apart from months or eggs! Then I filled in 7ac straight away and 10ac soon after (thankyou google) I thought it might be easy, Then I was stuck. I've got 9ac and 5d which I gather contain the SIs, but I can't see them, so I'm no further on identifying them.
Geeker I got completely confused with where the SIs are - 4 acrosses and 8 downs?
What is the city of legend in 4d?
I'm racking my brain to think of the familiar textile designer in 16ac. I may need a further clue.
A hint for 22ac wouldn't come amiss either.
Or I may just give up.