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5th October 2024, 17:35
HI everyone

I was already downhearted when I saw it was a Boatman as experience tells me I shall have trouble. And there are the SIs. I can't think of anything that comes in dozens apart from months or eggs! Then I filled in 7ac straight away and 10ac soon after (thankyou google) I thought it might be easy, Then I was stuck. I've got 9ac and 5d which I gather contain the SIs, but I can't see them, so I'm no further on identifying them.

Geeker I got completely confused with where the SIs are - 4 acrosses and 8 downs?

What is the city of legend in 4d?
I'm racking my brain to think of the familiar textile designer in 16ac. I may need a further clue.
A hint for 22ac wouldn't come amiss either.

Or I may just give up.
61 of 106  -   Report This Post


5th October 2024, 17:46
Roof, apologies again for my idiocy. You're right (per Brendan), there are 8 DOWN SIs and 4 ACROSS. My remarks about the consecutive runs are OK, although a "clue #" in a run could refer to either a down or across clue.
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5th October 2024, 17:53
Hi Roof,

22a - 5 letter anagram around 2 letter "horse" and single letter "Italy" - definition of "notes in sequence"

Re 5d and 9a, read from the 2nd letter in both and you should see the SI.

The number 12 is arbitrary, there could be any number of SI clues.
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5th October 2024, 18:26
Roof: 4d "city of legend" is the defn, an old one in Britain which became the title of a musical, film, TV series,... Also an SI clue, wordplay for only the final 2 letters appears in the clue.
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5th October 2024, 18:36
Rog thanks for your explanation at 48. Makes sense now.

Oh what can I say. Not Boatman's fault as plenty here got this. Totally down to me not getting it. Too many clues I filled in (1a e.g.) without having a clue how it parses. The theme just didn't fill me with any interest.

I will say thanks to Boatman for a clever puzzle but really didn't float my Sorry everyone.

But COD I will say 20d.
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5th October 2024, 19:12
Hi Brendan

I finally twigged that the SIs weren't necessarily a group of twelve and now have a number of clues with the SIs. And now I see the SI. And I got 22ac with my husband's help - he is the musician here.

Thanks Geeker for your explanation. This means I need to find an SI for 4d and two other down clues. I think I have the across clues.

Still lots to do. I'll be back
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5th October 2024, 19:13
Re 8, I started thinking of the right Murdoch, and even the right title, but somehow completely failed to make it work at first, so I too then went on a fruitless search through the I. Murdoch oeuvre before the penny finally dropped in a real doh moment. (I was also hung up on the wrong sort of cards, of course).
67 of 106  -   Report This Post


5th October 2024, 19:31
Thanks Geeker. I've now got 4d. This gives me the answer to 13ac, but I can't parse it. Is 11d as obvious as that?

I also can't seem to parse 2d. I thought it should include an anagram of "their", but there is no e in my answer.
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5th October 2024, 19:40
Hi roof.

13a definition first 2 words, then anagram around 2 letters.

2d I'm afraid there should be an E in your answer
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5th October 2024, 19:42

2d - does contain an E and is a 7 letter anagram with a (musical) "key" as the first letter.

11d - if you take the last 2 letters of your answer ("a place in South America") and move them to the front/'cycling' it will give you "a place in Africa"
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