Finally finished at third or fourth sitting but it went in quickly once I realise how the two long thematics work. Thanks to Paul for a teasing but ultimately satisfying puzzle.
Enjoyed this as really like a theme as reminds us of Araucaria. Thought it was good that you could get the answers but still not the theme so it was quite challenging. Then great when you have the Eureka moment. Solving it by parsing a bit boring by comparison. But now I realise there were 3 anagrams all with wording linked to the answer, think the clue is pretty good.
Good fun, nice theme, challenging but not impossible.
26/27 was my last solve because, like you I persisted with "usual" as the answer for 26. The penny eventually dropped and then the anagram was solvable.
(8,10,24): the opening 5 is an actor (actress) who was only (26,27). The (3,2,5) is "unable to light up, though".
The entire phrase is an American slang term for "just not winning".
I had the second letter of 26 and really couldn’t think of what else it could be, I was thinking of familiar names for the actors in question…. Still haven’t bothered to pick out the anagrams contained 😂