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31st August 2024, 22:23
Thanks, Chris and co, and Imogen, of course
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31st August 2024, 23:53
THanks Chris

I never knew letters 4-6 of 21ac meant island. That's what threw me.
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1st September 2024, 00:08
Not so much "means" island as it's a word for a particular kind of island (usually in a particular kind of location), sometimes seen with a very different-looking 4-letter spelling.
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1st September 2024, 10:40
There's one in the Thames near Kingston
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1st September 2024, 12:35
I had never heard of that word for an Island and see how clever Imogen continues to be. Could Ihave a refresher for the acronyms/ abbteviations used? COD is presumably Clue of the day but what are the others? Thanks
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1st September 2024, 20:33
Hi Playbus,

COD - Clue of the Day
FOI - First One In
LOI - Last One In
PDM - Penny Drop moment
YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary
BRB - Big Red Book (Chambers Dictionary)

I'm sure I've forgotten some, so if anyone can think of others, please post them as it's always good to have an updated list for newcomers.
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1st September 2024, 20:44
Hi Brendan,
I made a list when I first started. Here are some you’ve not already covered…

DD - Double Definition
CD - Cryptic definition
DBE - Definition By Example
TILT - Thing(s) I Learned Today
Tichy - Tongue in cheek
DNF - Did Not Finish
CAD - Clue-As-Definition. Also known as “&Lit”
WIA - Wordplay in answer (also known as a reverse clue)
225 - The fifteensquared blog
TLDR - too long didn’t read
MER - mild eyebrow raise
GWIT - Guess What I'm Thinking

NINA - A hidden message in the unchecked letters of the grid.

JORUM - To construct an unlikely-sounding word from the wordplay and then look it up and find out that it does exist. A term coined when JORUM appeared in a Puck puzzle in 2015.

COOK - an acceptable answer which is not the intended one. Borrowed from a term used in chess puzzles.
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1st September 2024, 20:54
That's brilliant, many thank Jono:-)
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5th September 2024, 13:39
Just finished ... and finally saw how 15a parses while typing a question about it! Elegant, every element exactly right.

So, FOI: 20d
COD: 8d and 14d, both very neat
LoI: 15a
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