Hi Brendan,
I made a list when I first started. Here are some you’ve not already covered…
DD - Double Definition
CD - Cryptic definition
DBE - Definition By Example
TILT - Thing(s) I Learned Today
Tichy - Tongue in cheek
DNF - Did Not Finish
CAD - Clue-As-Definition. Also known as “&Lit”
WIA - Wordplay in answer (also known as a reverse clue)
225 - The fifteensquared blog
TLDR - too long didn’t read
MER - mild eyebrow raise
GWIT - Guess What I'm Thinking
NINA - A hidden message in the unchecked letters of the grid.
JORUM - To construct an unlikely-sounding word from the wordplay and then look it up and find out that it does exist. A term coined when JORUM appeared in a Puck puzzle in 2015.
COOK - an acceptable answer which is not the intended one. Borrowed from a term used in chess puzzles.