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19th August 2023, 15:27
Tips on 14d, please. I have all the crossers.
Is the definition "website content"?
The last 5 letters could describe a certain type of website content.
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19th August 2023, 15:38
american nonsense (2 letters) around record, then job. def website content (a bit loose)
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19th August 2023, 15:43
Got it. I was thinking EP or LP for "record".
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19th August 2023, 16:41
Late to the party.
Just to say I really liked the style of this setter.
A fair number of the clues were very complex, but once parsed, I realised how clever they were.

The 'upset' word in 19d I had not heard since one of my grandfathers used it in a monologue . I have just discovered the song was sung by Ernie Mayne recorded in 1904 (see youtube)
Thank you Pangakupu

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19th August 2023, 17:58
Oh dear oh dear

I'm really stuck. I've done most of the top half despite the difficulty with parsing some of the clues. I was encouraged by filling in 1ac and 1d straight away.

I started about 2.30pm and have been stuck for ages despite doing all my usual distractions like getting in the washing. Please can I have a hint for 18ac. I thought the defintion was fuel, but I can't get anything that fits. I have ??O?I???L.

I thought I had an answer for 14ac, but can't parse it, so assume I've got it wrong. I've got ??E? ????Y. For 14d, I'm not sure what words for nonsense are US based and I've no idea what the word is for website content.

A hint for 13d would also be helpful as it is completely blank at the moment. I may have to give up.
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19th August 2023, 18:03
Hi Roof,

18a - 6 letter "people" goes around/brought in "i" the 2 letter "US railway" - definition is "fuel"

Your letters are correct and as the last 2 are the US railway and you already have L it should help with the previous letter and then the fuel.
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19th August 2023, 18:04
Roof, you're correct that the defn. of 18a is fuel. Parses as I" inserted into a 6-letter word for "people", followed by a 2-letter abbrev. for "US railway". You may not be familiar with the abbrev.: it's particularly widely used in Chicago, for instance.
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19th August 2023, 18:07
Any thoughts on a possible puzzle theme? I found some evidence for "pay for female footballers", but it's somewhat far-fetched.
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19th August 2023, 18:08
14a - 4 letter "porter perhaps" then 3 letter "individual" inside/secured by "my" - definition is "tip"

14d - "nonsense from America" is a 2 letter acronym and goes around both 3 letter "record" and 4 letter "job" - definition is "website content" ( like what's on here)

13d - single letter "I" + 3 letter "get" + 4 letter "ecstatic" the "I" and single letter "start to admit" - definition is "not bodily present"

How is your husband getting on Roof?
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19th August 2023, 18:13
I believe 18a is what Charles uses to fuel his Aston Martin, saving the planet and all that 😉
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