Oh dear oh dear
I'm really stuck. I've done most of the top half despite the difficulty with parsing some of the clues. I was encouraged by filling in 1ac and 1d straight away.
I started about 2.30pm and have been stuck for ages despite doing all my usual distractions like getting in the washing. Please can I have a hint for 18ac. I thought the defintion was fuel, but I can't get anything that fits. I have ??O?I???L.
I thought I had an answer for 14ac, but can't parse it, so assume I've got it wrong. I've got ??E? ????Y. For 14d, I'm not sure what words for nonsense are US based and I've no idea what the word is for website content.
A hint for 13d would also be helpful as it is completely blank at the moment. I may have to give up.