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19th August 2023, 09:03
Of course Jono. They used to talk about it in ER all the time.
11 of 71  -   Report This Post


19th August 2023, 09:09
As to the US nonsense in 14d, in Britain we tend to shorten to the first four letters rather than the outside two. But we will copy the US in future, as we always do!
12 of 71  -   Report This Post


19th August 2023, 10:14
I think I have 24d, but can only parse three of the letters, and can't account for one word of the clue.
13 of 71  -   Report This Post


19th August 2023, 10:36
Castafiore, you need to replace two letters (given by the clue) in a word for comedian with one letter for eccentricity (maths).
If you did what I did you’re probably thinking of the wrong comedian…
14 of 71  -   Report This Post


19th August 2023, 10:48
So I had an answer for 16a that is an anagram of one of the words. But I'm starting to think it is wrong because I'm totally stuck in the SW in particular. Am I on the right lines?
15 of 71  -   Report This Post


19th August 2023, 10:49
I still don't get it. I've got a rather obvious five-letter word for comedian, from which I remove two letters as indicated by the clue. But then I have to put the symbol for eccentricity inside that to arrive at my four-letter word. The clue doesn't seem to direct me to do that. So am I going completely wrong here?
16 of 71  -   Report This Post


19th August 2023, 10:51
not my favourite compiler

i've finished, but am puzzled by a couple. i can't see the parsing of 19d, and "popular" seems unnecessary in 10a.
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19th August 2023, 10:52
16 isn't an anagram. def "start"
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19th August 2023, 10:55
Chris, in 19 ‘upset’ means everything is from the bottom up. Blooming as a gentle expletive (or what Chambers calls an ‘intensifier’)
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19th August 2023, 10:57
Agree about ‘popular’. And two ‘is’ reversals in one puzzle seems like one too many
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