Thanks to Picaroon for this week's prize. Great fun, up to his usual high standards!
Not sure about the difficulty level. Got off to a slow start, thought it was consistently tough while solving...but looked at the clock after finishing, and the solving time was right around the Prize median, perhaps slightly longer. So midrange?
FOI 3, which was auspicious, but then slowed down. LOI 8, which took by far the longest of any clue.
COD definitely 14, because I like a word central to the parsing, plus the solution came quickly due to familiarity with the work of John Cage (sufficiently obscure that there's little spoiler risk 🤣). Runner-up 21 only because it's a term I used in a recent (dud) Peer Review entry.
Many fine clues IMO. Long COD list also included 13, 6, (18,19), 12, 4, 7, 5 and 26.
Curious about others' opinions...hoped someone else would start the thread, but it's late here and quiet in crossword land.