Yes, it's a Scandinavian name, same name as the drummer from Metallica.[/]
Thansk ParadigmShifter, even when I had the Scandanavian, I just realised I was thinking that the other half of the spoonerism started with T insteam of the correct letter, now I get it!
24a. To parse this, I needed to use A for Afternoon. Not seen that before, and can't check it out in Chambers, since I threw my 1972 edition into the recycling bin a few days ago because the spine was long gone and it was falling apart.
Very enjoyable. A mix of easy to spot and tricky to resolve. FOI 10a - grateful for the variation on the primarilies. LOI 9d - just could not see the anagram but like the mix of anagrams for part of the clue. COD for me is 25a although 15d was a contender- made me smile and I do love a spoonerism.