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20th December 2021, 07:46
Is 17 A definitely 'on' at the end? I can get the answer to work if it said 'son' - Top Person, VIP, without the son!
141 of 1660  -   Report This Post


20th December 2021, 08:41
Re 1a “in stupid form” is the anagrind and “a chore to translate?” is the definition, which having just read some Horace I can confirm is accurate... so “a chore” doing double duty
142 of 1660  -   Report This Post


20th December 2021, 09:18
17a. Definitely says ON and not SON in the clue.

I'd never heard of Lady Hester Stanhope before, but I have now.

Still unclear on the HORACE clue... it's an anagram of "a chore" but it's also part of the definition?
143 of 1660  -   Report This Post


20th December 2021, 10:19
It really is a chore to translate some of Horace, so the whole clue is an &lit I think (literally so)
144 of 1660  -   Report This Post


20th December 2021, 10:24
PS His 'Odes' , are stated as the most difficult to translate of any work of ancient Latin literature.
145 of 1660  -   Report This Post


20th December 2021, 13:13
As an alternative, how about…

He’s a chore to translate (6)
146 of 1660  -   Report This Post


21st December 2021, 10:13
6d . Bookmaker found where the race starts

7d. Discharge whole group of busy workers- it's in all the papers

9d. Gay runner often in form

16d. Be defensive- play for time after losing one wicket

22d. Commissioned doctors turning up in a very minor case- most impressive

Parses for the above please.
147 of 1660  -   Report This Post


21st December 2021, 10:17
1a biblical reference I think
16d st one w all (stall being ‘play for time’)
148 of 1660  -   Report This Post


21st December 2021, 10:21
22 MOs, medicall officers, comissioned doctors (in the forces) reversed, turning up, inside A Wee, very small.
149 of 1660  -   Report This Post


21st December 2021, 10:23
7 D. Arc, a luminous discharge and Hive, a whole group of busy workers, bees.
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