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18th December 2021, 09:07
The answer to 12a. Brainy British gathered in corn, perhaps is CERE(BR)AL not BELEVEDERE.
121 of 1676  -   Report This Post


18th December 2021, 09:08
Sorry, not BELVEDERE.
122 of 1676  -   Report This Post


18th December 2021, 09:15
Todorovia, thanks for that. I thought Whetstone had a list of the answers (as they're old puzzles), so I didn't get very far with that one!
123 of 1676  -   Report This Post


18th December 2021, 22:09
Apologies....CEREBRAL...on closer inspection this was a misprint. This clue and the BELVEDERE one were transposed.
124 of 1676  -   Report This Post


19th December 2021, 12:58
11a. Listening aid, achieving best advantage in radio

12a. Like parish pump, surrounded by water

16a. Broom providing seating when subjected to new spell

6d. Sort of energy making cattle twitch
Is KINE a type of cattle?

13 a. Power- unless it's turned off
yes it's an angram, but does LUSTINESS mean POWER? I thought it meant desire or such like.

17a. Nothing to do with the hearing of East African people

parses for the above please.
125 of 1676  -   Report This Post


19th December 2021, 13:07
6 d Yes, kine is an archaic word for cows (collecticely)?

kine + tic (twitch)
126 of 1676  -   Report This Post


19th December 2021, 13:08
The '?' in my last post just appeared by itself
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19th December 2021, 13:08
16 anagram seating. GENISTA is the genus of broom plants.
6d Yes, KINE refers to cattle
17 NIL - nothing, OTIC - to do with hearing.
128 of 1676  -   Report This Post


19th December 2021, 13:14
13a Lustiness can mean power in the sense of force
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19th December 2021, 13:20
12a is a double definition

like parish pump = only of local interest
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