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19th December 2021, 13:23
Re PARISH PUMP... interesting, never heard that expression before. Thanks JG.
131 of 1660  -   Report This Post


19th December 2021, 13:25
11a is supposed to be a homophone of "trump it" (achieving the best advantage
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19th December 2021, 13:28
Interesting, Jazzgirl. I thought it was Peaking + Trump in Set (radio) !
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19th December 2021, 13:31
Quisling, you may be right 🤔
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19th December 2021, 13:33
I'm not dogmatic. Slightly prefer it because of the -ing, that's all
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19th December 2021, 13:39
Quisling Yes I see your point. I was going by the general cryptic clue of ' on the radio' meaning homophone but the clue reads 'IN' the radio so your explanation sounds good
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19th December 2021, 21:50
Yes, it's deffo "in the radio" not "on the radio" (which is normally a homophone indicator).

I think that's the lot solved, cheers.
137 of 1660  -   Report This Post


20th December 2021, 06:31
1a. In stupid form, a chore to translate?
Yes it's an anagram but what's 'in stupid form'?

4a. Water flow barrier impedes a good deal, maybe.
I get the parse (a-dam-sale). Is Adam's ale water?

17a. Headgear VIP doesn't have on

21a. Windy place, cold for Romans here in the past
I get the parse apart from the Roman connection

23a. As economist,make distinctive mark on hard currency.

3d. City appears smart to Lady Stanhope

Parses for the above please.
138 of 1660  -   Report This Post


20th December 2021, 06:58
1a. There is a quotation from Horace along the lines of “There are lessons to be learned from a stupid man” but I’m not sure if this is the intended reference in the clue
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20th December 2021, 06:59
4 Yes
21 HIC is Latin for here
23 MILLING is the grooves on the edges of coins, designed to show if they have been cut down.
3 CHIC - smart, Lady HESTER Stanhope
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