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16th December 2021, 05:52


16th December 2021, 16:33
Thanks Geeker, I'm glad Inarkiev was denied the win and I especially didn't like that smirk on his face.

I can't say why but I think you might enjoy tackling Listener 4688 and especially the endgame. Forum user Tatters provides a link to it in his/her Dropbox in the Listener 4657 thread.

92 of 181  -   Report This Post


17th December 2021, 18:51
J-K Duda narrowly holds on to win European Blitz Championship.
In his 14th game, he had 3 Queens on the board, had to stop the clock to go fetch a third one!
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18th January 2022, 15:40
I am complaining about so many members of the public weeping in interviews and programmes on TV and radio. I don't blame these people, of course, but it seems that interviewers and producers regard such emotion as 'TV/radio gold' and almost set out to make someone cry. They certainly seem to select weepy extracts when editing footage.

The practice seems to have increased over the last 20 years or so and makes me feel embarrassed and uncomfortable. Perhaps, though, it is a good thing that I should be shaken out of comfort and complacency.

However, I do think it's overdone on the news and in programmes such as The Repair Shop and Who Do You Think You Are?

Some of you may be old enough to remember the national headlines (in the 1960s?) when Gilbert Harding broke down on live TV when interviewed by John Freeman. Nowadays it's an everyday occurrence. How the media would have loved to catch Her Majesty Queen in tears at her husband's funeral! The whole business is just too intrusive.
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18th January 2022, 15:51
I'm pleased that you've resurrected this thread paulH, as I was lokking for a suitable place to post this: what does it say about the work ethic at Number 10 if the PM can't tell the difference between a work meeting and a party?
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18th January 2022, 16:06
Paulhaberson, I'm with you - I think it's very overdone and manipulative. We're encouraged to empathise, sympathise with anyone and everyone - people on X-Factor, Britain's Got Talent, The Repair Shop... just about everything. I felt - feel - no need to be shaken out of comfort and complacency. I'm quite happy to be emotional at times - but not when I'm being led to that by someone else, some random TV show.
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18th January 2022, 17:02
Anyone playing Wordle?
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18th January 2022, 17:15
Jono Yes! It's addictive
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18th January 2022, 17:17
Haha yes it is. I was pleased with my 3/6 today!
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18th January 2022, 17:20
Jono it's really the same format as Lingo on ITV.
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