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7th December 2021, 15:37
Game 9: Nepo just trapped his own light-squared Bishop with 27. c5??, likely to lose and go down 3 points.
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7th December 2021, 17:40
I couldn't believe it Geeker, it just goes to show .... something!?

It's hard to see Magnus losing 3 games in the next 5 days!
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7th December 2021, 17:48
Even stranger, Brendan.

From Twitter: Giri [commenting on chess24 coverage] had just been showing that 27.c5?? was a blunder when Nepo played it! "What! Oh my God! c5 c6, sorry, but I saw that instantly! Is he nuts? That is insane"
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7th December 2021, 18:03
It's hard to imagine what he was thinking. I don't think there's any way he could see his bishop getting trapped but played it anyway so one can only assume he missed it - incredible!!
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7th December 2021, 18:25
In the press conference Nepo confirmed he didn’t see c6 until after Magnus played it.
I’ve been enjoying the Howell/Houska/Snare commentary btw, thanks for pointing me in that direction!
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7th December 2021, 19:26
I know I must be missing something obvious but can any of you explain to me why on move 39 White played NxC5 instead of Nb6 which would have then stopped the black rook going to A8 and blocking the queening square?
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7th December 2021, 20:03
Wouldn’t Nb6 would be countered by Bc6 which then takes the new Queen on the next move?
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7th December 2021, 20:05
After 39. Nb6 Bc6, a8 is guarded twice and the Rook doesn't need to occupy the square.
According to GM Shankland's annotation at
39. Rb1 "would have been more challenging", but still losing.
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7th December 2021, 20:13
Thanks Jono, thanks Geeker,

I think I'll need to set this position up on my Fritz engine.

I can see Bc6 but then when the pawn goes to a8 and Queens and is taken by Bxa8 the Night would be able to take the Bishop with Nxa8 then the black rook would take with Rxa8 and then the white rook would take Rxa8.

Like I said, I'm obviously missing something but hopefully Fritz will be able to show me wjhere I'm going wrong:-)
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7th December 2021, 20:25
I was fooling around with that line via online engines (chess24 and during the game.
After 39.Nb6 Bc6, Black can give back the piece for the a-pawn, because the White h-pawn is doomed (...Ng3-f5xh4) and the R+N ending down 3 pawns is hopeless.
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