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10th April 2021, 01:23
This week's puzzle is by the ever-popular Paul and, as one might expect, it is excellent.

It is however, very difficult, at least I found it so, and took me quite a while to get going.

FOI was 10a followed by 2d.

If you do get stuck there are unfortunately no anagrams to help out but there are two reverse hiddens, one in the acrosses and one in the downs.

I got lucky with the artist having just recently seen a Youtube clip of a Chris Martin interview in which he explains how the inspiration for his song Viva la Vida came from a work by this artist.

I haven't fully worked out the parsing for 6d but I'll stick with and hope for a PDM.

As you might expect there are some very cheeky Pauline clues which are always welcome 😜

It's been great to see so many new posters joining in our friendly Guardian Prize blog. It's always good to read the views of fellow solvers and you can always ask for a hint if you get stuck.

Thanks to Paul for another first-rate puzzle.

Stay safe:-)
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10th April 2021, 01:31
6d - ..... and as if by magic the penny drops and I see the parsing and definition:-)

COD - the above-mentioned 6d 😉
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10th April 2021, 01:43
I hadn't realised that 6d had been identified! it's been interesting going back over that event and reading about his role in it - such an iconic moniker 😉
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10th April 2021, 01:57
Morning Brendan and any others.
Is this a standard grid etc? It will not download on my iPad using the Guardian app, which I'm used to seeing with eg alphabet jigsaws and extra large holiday weekend puzzles, but not the normal puzzles
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10th April 2021, 02:01
Got it now, crisis over
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10th April 2021, 02:03
Hi Brendan,
This is a tough puzzle? Still struggling with 15, hoping it'll be LOI. FOI was 24a. Many COD candidates, I'll agree with you on 6. There was a 2017 film made about the cross-reference in 6; I rented it with great anticipation but found it so-so.
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10th April 2021, 02:13
Mistyped a ?, should have read "This is a tough puzzle!"
Thanks to Paul for the challenge.
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10th April 2021, 02:16
Hi Geeker, hi Luko,

I knew 6d from the award winning 1976 film that covers it. That and a bit in The Simpsons involving Mr Smithers, Bart and Lisa where Homer shows up with his headlights on full-beam - classic:-)

I'm not alone in finding it difficult, then.

15a - Is an informal expression of encouragement or approval.
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10th April 2021, 02:20
Thanks, Brendan, got it now. One of the harder Prizes of late. Paul might be back to his early 2020 run of difficulty, in which he regularly stumped me.
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10th April 2021, 02:26
Thanks Geeker, I invariably find Paul's puzzles difficult - I suppose a lot depends if you're on his "wavelength", so to speak.

NB. On going back over the crossword I can see that there are two anagrams in the downs.
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