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10th November 2020, 02:38
I'm just beginning this but before I get underway, can I just check - Are the "eight instances" of clues whose last letter matches the last letter of the answer part of the 18 clues with a misprint (nine across, nine down) or in addition to?
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10th November 2020, 05:29
Ok, got it - after a filled grid I see it's eight additional clues.
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10th November 2020, 10:06
Is the name in 27d one that is more usually spelt with two N's, only I can't think what else it could be?

Also, I see that the words in the across clues don't use every cell in their particular clue, but it appears the names in the downs do - is that right?
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10th November 2020, 10:27
Brendan, I know quite a few people with the 27 D version.

I have the same as you for the Acrosses, not all the cells being thematic.
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10th November 2020, 10:45
Thanks Malone, I'd put the name into IMDB to see what predictive names came up and, although there were a few, there was only one that I've heard of so thought I better double-check.

Thanks again - another excellent puzzle.
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10th November 2020, 15:02
Thanks to Brendan's and Malone's hints above I was able to complete. Another enjoyable puzzle. The film was one of my all time favourites - a real feel good moral tale. May we soon resume our cinema-going. On vaccine I day I have just put in my reservation for tickets for the 2023 Rugby World Cup so something to look forward to.

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10th November 2020, 15:11

Does this refer to another puzzle? I have nothing like this, but Only half-way through

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10th November 2020, 15:12

Are you are saying there are blank cells? - I haven't any yet
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10th November 2020, 16:32
Hello Grunger

Please treat the second part of my post as the the ramblings of someone who is spending too much time on the sandbank.

However the across corrections in 1460 lead one to a marvellous film. Unless I am hallucinating!
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10th November 2020, 18:15
Hi Williamseal,

Yeah, a great film and, as you say, an excuse to watch it again 😁

Hi Grunger,

I meant that, in the endgame, the words you are looking for might take up all or part of a clue answer - but there are no blank cells in the grid.

Sorry for the confusion.
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