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18th October 2020, 22:30
The anagram you refer to is right!
It does exist, it’s a proper name. It’s on other anagram sites.
81 of 102  -   Report This Post


18th October 2020, 22:59
Yes William Seal, I found this difficult. Or given your phocine nature, perhaps I should say "flipping" difficult, Worth the struggle, though.
82 of 102  -   Report This Post


18th October 2020, 23:45
Surprisingly tricky after a fairly easy grid fill, though some of the parsing took a while.
I am not sure why there has not been much discussion about the final entry of the thematic number(s). I think mine will (both) have to touch both the upper and lower edges of the grid.
Do others agree?
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19th October 2020, 06:52
Smithsax, I don't think there's any need to be touching the edges if you follow the 'through the insertion points' instruction.
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19th October 2020, 09:02
I’m with you williamseal. I filled the grid by Saturday lunchtime, and have been struggling with the other 7 clues ever since. I have 5 of them I think, but am stuck on the 4th and 5th. Some posts have mentioned He and Kr and if they are correct I know where they can go. The first clue answer, Sun, must be correct, but there is no element Su, and even if there was, where would it go. Any help really appreciated.
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19th October 2020, 09:07
Xij, you are very close. You are right, there is no element Su, but what element is derived from the Greek word for sun and then you should be on the right track to work out the seven thematic items.
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19th October 2020, 09:07
Helios is Greek for sun, from which one of the elements gets its name...
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19th October 2020, 10:05
Did the grid, guessed the theme (Got Breaking Bad memorabilia on the fridge door!), inserted into the seven down answers but I'm stuck with the updated term. Just to save me barking up a gum tree is it 22 down?
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19th October 2020, 10:14
Thanks for that, but I’m now even more confused. I thought that the He came from the Hotel clue, which I can’t get, or the More clue, again which I can’t get. Can I assume then that my Ra would be Rn? Where then does the Kr come from? Chemistry and science has always been gobbledygook to me. I think that leaves me with Ar and Kr, which are the only letters that I can see that would fit in the final 2 words, 3rd and 6th, is that correct?
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19th October 2020, 10:41
You are correct with your placement of Ar and Kr, assuming you are numbering the normal clues in clue order. Yes, it's Rn not Ra.

Kr comes from the clue you haven't yet got. It's a stinker - anagram (erroneously) of DIED inside H N where nut = en = N. Look up the origin of Kr and you'll see how the answer relates to that.
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