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17th October 2020, 18:30
Yes, 'red' is extra for 32 - the 'cross' is a common animal.
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17th October 2020, 18:33
34 - Scottish word for 'no' is the def and 'aged' does give 'ae' ['died' is extra].
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17th October 2020, 18:36
Thanks drxx. Those all make sense now. I see the source of rubber. I have full grid.
Can I have the extra word/parsing for 1a, thanks? Then I can ponder meaningfully.
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17th October 2020, 18:37
I'm with you Lumen, I can't see how "ae" is aged - I'm looking at Chambers and just can't see it (although if past form is anything to go by it's probably right in front of me)
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17th October 2020, 18:38
.....and of course, I see it straight after posting:-)
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17th October 2020, 18:50
1a a 3 letter abbrev [not the usual one] for 'born' with a general 3 letter word for 'generation' outside and 'every' extra.

I found the endgame frustrating too, lumen - I got there through trying to expand a couple of the more obscure words (there aren't many options in some of them) and realising there was a common thread. I'd have much preferred a logical process of getting there - and the thematic clues are a very mixed bunch - some minimal, others complex (the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 6th [bar the 3 letter Scots word] are, perhaps, the most straightforward ... and the 2nd as well, but it's a bit skimpy).
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17th October 2020, 18:52
...sorry for the typo, lumen - for 6th read 7th.
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17th October 2020, 18:56
Please could someone assist with parsing 27 and 28? Thanks!
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17th October 2020, 18:56
Also, remember that one of the eight down answers from the clues with no redundant word has a very clear link to the theme and if you’re of a certain age like most of us probably are, it’s probably more know to you with that word than the up-to-date word!

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17th October 2020, 19:01
27 'without' is extra - 3 letters for 'except' (reversed) and the usual 1 letter shortening of 'in'.
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