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29th June 2020, 20:48
A bit of lateral thinking is required for the other two quadrants but you'll al least have an in and out point for the top left (you're looking for a 3 word title here). You'll also have in and out points for the bottom right quadrant, because it's the final one (one word in here). I'm mentioning this only because that information was given earlier in the thread.

It looks like I'm being pushed into 3rd place for grumpiness, I shouldn't have been so accommodating earlier on.
141 of 170  -   Report This Post


29th June 2020, 21:09
Drxx, thanks for being ‘on duty’ yet again! I tried googling what I have as the clue for the SW quadrant, but it didn’t yield an answer. I can see a very simple word in the grid, but it doesn’t seem to have any connection whatever with my clue, even if I try to modify it in view of the difficulty I mentioned previously. After all the complicated discussions on this thread, do you still find it ‘fun’?!
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29th June 2020, 21:18
Hello rad, as long as I can avoid the early shifts I'm happy in my 'work' (and yes, the puzzle became even more enjoyable as I stumbled on more extra words as I went along!).

I'm pretty sure you've got the right little word - is it something that gets smaller the more you use it?... (until it all goes dark).
143 of 170  -   Report This Post


29th June 2020, 23:08
Yes, Drxx, that’s what i’ve got, though I still don’t see any connection with the clue. Perhaps I’ve missed some of the extras. I’ll look again. Thanks again.
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29th June 2020, 23:15
All well now. I missed two important words.
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30th June 2020, 12:10
Many thanks to drxx and granama1. As a result of your interventions I was able to complete the puzzle. I have used the lockdown to try to stretch my capabilities. I am making some progress with crosswords and access to this thread is so encouraging, though I am aware that I will only progress so far. I have completely failed with three-ball juggling - I should stick to a single ball in my nose. You win some; you lose some.

I really would urge the first division (or Premier as it should be now be) to contribute even if it is later in the week when most will have completed (or given up). I like to keep trying. Again my appreciation.
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30th June 2020, 13:47
Williamseal, I think you underestimate your skills. If you completed the grid unaided (I didn't) you deserve a couple of fresh herring. End games can be very elusive and we can't all be ninja solvers like the 'completed over a cup of cocoa on Friday evening' crew (:o)
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30th June 2020, 16:44
Any help with the 12 letter clues might help me to get some sleep at night. Thanks in anticipation.
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30th June 2020, 16:56
Hi Galfridus,

First one is S(outhern) + 4 letter general "herb" (I didn't know this counted as a herb) minus/cropped it's last letter + T(ime) + 5 letter synonym for "landscape" around another T(ime) + D(ied) - definition is "fragrant" and "clay" is extra.

149 of 170  -   Report This Post


30th June 2020, 17:00
Second one..

definition is "honour promise" and is 4,4,4 but the wordplay can also make it a 4 and 2 letter phrase meaning "don't fire" (as in employment) + E(nglish) + 5 letter "weapon"
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